» » » London, work, drink

London, work, drink

This is literally a five minute walk from our old flat in Covent Garden. Back in London, we both realize that our neighborhood was the bomb! I love London. Happy to be back.

Let us not forget that we are here because we have some kick ass clients who love us. So, yes. We will have to squeeze in some work.

A very abstract picture of the stained glass in our old pub. Our “local” as it’s called. Every neighborhood has at least one pub. Even in the countryside, there are pubs where people meet, tell stories, drink and eat some rib-sticking pub food. Our local is the Chandos a the end of St. Martin’s Lane near Trafalgar Square. You can still get a pint for under three quid, which is very hard to do now in Central London.

  1. Matthew Petty

    I recognize the stained glass from the Chandos! Have a fantastic time there X