» » » Along this road we saw a family of moose. Two big ones. Two little. They wore their winter coats all shaggy and dirty from the melting snow. We were right up on them before they leaped into the forest for cover. They did not run away, though. They stood and stared at us from the forest as we drove by, our mouths wide with surprise.

Along this road we saw a family of moose. Two big ones. Two little. They wore their winter coats all shaggy and dirty from the melting snow. We were right up on them before they leaped into the forest for cover. They did not run away, though. They stood and stared at us from the forest as we drove by, our mouths wide with surprise.

Along this road we saw a family of moose. Two big ones. Two little. They wore their winter coats all shaggy and dirty from the melting snow. We were right up on them before they leaped into the forest for cover. They did not run away, though. They stood and stared at us from the forest as we drove by, our mouths wide with surprise.