» » » Here is Derek after he put the tent up in the rain. Got soaked doing it, too. Then he dried himself off by catching cabbages and potatoes and moon pies at the Parade. Mom cooked it all up, and there is cabbage mash for days. Our old family tradition of catching dinner off of floats.

Here is Derek after he put the tent up in the rain. Got soaked doing it, too. Then he dried himself off by catching cabbages and potatoes and moon pies at the Parade. Mom cooked it all up, and there is cabbage mash for days. Our old family tradition of catching dinner off of floats.

Here is Derek after he put the tent up in the rain. Got soaked doing it, too. Then he dried himself off by catching cabbages and potatoes and moon pies at the Parade. Mom cooked it all up, and there is cabbage mash for days. Our old family tradition of catching dinner off of floats.